“The arena of the virtues has been thrown open.” |
Things to give up… Fasting – reducing the quantity of food, by having only one full meal during the day, possibly with no seconds, no alcohol and no dessert. Abstinence – reducing the quality of food, by eating more simply, perhaps by not eating meat. For some people a good rule of abstinence would be to give up television for the day. Notes about fasting and abstinence: Giving up one thing, such as sweets, smoking, reading magazines, or watching television. Spend less time on line or surfing the web Work some more on giving up your besetting sin(s) and cultivating its opposite virtue. For example, give up complaining and cultivate thanking God and others. Things to add… (one or perhaps two. Don´t attempt too much; do what is realistic and practical) • Use the money saved from fasting and abstinence for your mite box offering, or to put in the plate on Sunday, or to give to a charity. Lent is an opportunity to let God open up a bigger space in you for Him to fill. It is our journey toward Passover, which our Lord accomplishes on the Cross, so that we can, by dying and rising with Him, pass from the brokenness of sin and death to new and indestructible life, in the wholeness of the new creation. |