Day: January 16, 2015

Letter of Invitation to attend the Congress from the Organizing Secretary

International Catholic Congress of Anglicans | FIFNAOne Church, One Faith, One Lord

“Restoring the Conciliar Church and Her Mission”

July 13-July 17, 2015
Fort Worth, Texas

In the Summer of 2013, after an excellent Forward in Faith NA Assembly to study and pray around the theme “Ecclesiology at the Crossroads” led by retired bishop of Rochester, the Rt. Rev. Michael Nazir-Ali, it was discerned that a wider conversation through a Global Anglican Congress was needed. After prayerful discernment and discussions with catholic and evangelical bishops around the globe, the question pressing upon us as we considered the future of our tradition remained: how might we rediscover a sound ecclesiology.

I want to invite you on behalf of catholic-minded Anglican leaders from across the globe, especially our patrons, Bp Keith Ackerman and Bp Michael Nazir-Ali, to such a Congress.  The themes for this extraordinary International Catholic Congress of Anglicans will be centered on the call to catholicity, conciliarism and the challenges facing Anglican ecclesiology in the church today.  We have used the words from a well- known hymn as the all-encompassing theme, “One Church, One Faith, One Lord.”  Our 2015 gathering to be held at the Forth Worth Hilton and St Andrew’s Church, Fort Worth, Texas is not that far off and I am asking that you consider placing on your calendars the dates of 13-17 July so that you may be present with us.

Your presence is welcomed and essential as voices from around the Communion gather to safeguard and promote the catholic faith.  Our time together will be spent worshipping and praying with daily Mass and Choral Evensong, sermons and reflections.  Our Congress will centre on a Study of Colossians led by Bp Michael Nazir-Ali, papers and workshops by well known and inspirational presenters and a banquet with keynote speaker.

Together we will explore how catholic tradition and ecclesiology have been received and understood, and how at this time we can again explore ways of promoting ecumenical, conciliar catholicity within the Communion and with Christians who stand with us in this tradition.

It is our desire and intention to ensure that dioceses, bishops, clergy and laity who share this vision for a renewed Anglican ecclesiology participate in this extraordinary process.  I ask you therefore to prayerfully and purposefully consider this invitation and register for what, I hope, will be a memorable event.  Details and registration details are on the FiFNA website and I am happy to answer any questions you might have regarding this congress.

We have deliberately kept the cost of this congress as low as possible and are offering early bird registration discounts, so please respond as soon as possible.  Your participation will ensure a successful and rewarding experience.

As we have no underwriters for this congress, the first of more to follow, we hope, your willingness to support it both prayerfully and financially is paramount.

I look forward to seeing you in July.

Cn Ed den Blaauwen